Romney 2012 General Election Campaign Organization, Arkansas
ARKANSAS  |  Romney Main Page 

(page updated Dec.  2012)
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Republican Party of Arkansas  |  1201 West Sixth  |  Little Rock, AR  72201  +
Chairman  Doyle Webb

(elected Dec. 13, 2008; re-elected Dec. 4, 2010)  Attorney for over 25 years.  Chief of staff to Lt. Gov. Win Rockefeller, April 2002-Jan. 2007.  Elected to the State Senate in 1994 as the first Republican from Saline and Perry Counties.  Elected Justice of the Peace in Saline County in 1986 and served for 3 terms (the first elected Republican in Saline County under the new form of county government).  J.D. and B.A. in history from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

Political Director  Megan Tollett

M.B.A. (2008) and B.A. in marketing (2007) from Henderson State University.

Communications Director  Katherine Vasilos

Finance Director  Alisha Curtis